Greece needs no introduction as one of the finest places to find desert rock and stoner music, but today we have the debut EP from CATAPULT THE SUN which slows down the stoner and distorts the desert tones until we have a fine pair of drone doom tracks. The two lengthy instrumental tracks on "Human Empire Fails" are nearly half an hour of slow desert riffs layered with some very fine guitar work. If you like your drone where the bass stays slow and heavy, but sometimes the guitar takes off into another dimension, then you are going to dig this one. Check out Catapult the Sun's debut EP on Bandcamp:
Is this instrumental stoner that veers in and out of drone and heavy psych? Or maybe it's heavy drone that melds in psych and stoner as it pleases. In any case, Fuzzy digs the slow pace and sonic layers that are part ominous and part cosmic. This EP sets itself apart with clean psych guitar solos on top of the drone, and breaks into metal at unexpected times.
The first track "Fog's Horn" hits me as more drone, while the second track "A lith and a bent soul" as more stoner & psych. These 2 extended tracks play like one long experience, and work well with the repeat button set to FOREVER.
Catapult the Sun is from Athens, Greece. From the band:
We are Catapult the Sun, a new group in the doom/sludge/drone genres, and recently (on 12th of July) we released our first EP, "Human Empire Fails", which consists of 2 songs.
Follow Catapult the Sun band on Bandcamp at https://catapultthesun.bandcamp.com.
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